This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday VUT will be performing Dead Man's Cell Phone at 8pm Friday-Sunday and a special 2pm performance on Sunday. It will be performed in Neely Auditorium. Here's its description:
When Jean answers a stranger's cell phone, she beings a series of adventures that immerse her in his life, his family, his loves, and his work. Written by MacArthur Award winner Sarah Ruhl, Dead Man's Cell Phone explores that which connects us in this digital age and offers a whimsical meditation on what it means to disconnect.

Also this Friday will be Vanderbilt's very own carnival night! There will be tons of games, prizes, and fun to be played and had. For more information follow the link here!
This Saturday, Vanderbilt's Capoeira club will be having its practice from 1:30-3 pm in the mat room on the 2nd floor of the REC. Here is the club's description:
Capoerira: is an African-Brazillain art form that combines the music, dance, martial arts, beliefs and philosophies of West Africans brought to Brazil during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Often regarded as the “dance fight”, capoeira is an intense acrobatic dance/martial art that is performed (or played) in a small circle to the beat of traditional Afr-Brazilian songs. It has appeared in dance and martial arts competitions. Today, Capoeira is popular all over the world.Also this Saturday is Vanderbilt's Marching Band Invitationals. It is from 1-8pm and the awards ceremony is at 8:30pm. The contest will be held in the Vanderbilt University Stadium.
That's it for now! I promise I've only scratched the surface of all the awesome events going on around campus, so keep your eyes open and your ears keen, and you'll find something fun in no time!
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