What is going on this weekend? Well, first and foremost, for us stressed students, MEGA STRESS FEST. This insane time of year means that Vandy treats us very well. We have help through finals by study breaks, and we had a Christmas Dinner tonight at Rand! It was delicious, as I am sure many of you know.
But, let's go in chronological order! This is the time of giving. And Vanderbilt has adopted 400 children to give presents to under Angel Tree! So, Thursday, from 8 am to 5 pm, people can go turn in their gifts at the SLC Meeting Room. And then the holiday party will be the next day, Friday at 10 am! You should go support our wonderful Nashville community. :)

But yes. Let's talk about this Stress Fest. You can go to the Student Life Center for free massages, waxing, hand waxes, facials, yogas, and more! It's a way to destress, and it's all for free! If you want to make an appointment, you can go this Friday at 6 pm and make an appointment for any time between 7-11 pm. Isn't that great?!
Anyways. But really. Besides that, guys, I don't know what else to tell you. It's a stressful time of year. Our reading day is Friday. Our first exams start Saturday. Then we get a break on Sunday to recuperate! Before the beginning of more exams. That being said. Best of luck to everyone! Christmas Break is around the corner, and if anything, your friends and campus will do everything to help you out! :)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays to all, and a Happy New Year! Be on the lookout for our final blogpost of the year this Sunday, too! As for our movie night Friday, well. If you want to know, just ask! (Well, really, we haven't decided yet. Finals!)
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